Monday, September 05, 2005

Joel and Daryl

Joel's on the left... He's my bridge teach.. he's quite brainy and talkative and teases vegesaurus alot.. he's like gotten everyone on his side against her except for Matt... he has this arsenal of bridge strategies and he can tell what card u'r holding from just a few plays... he likes avril lavign songs... -_-"

Daryl's really talented...plays the guitar and piano... he keeps comin up with all these theories of...whatever..... for....... whatever... i never get any details on them but Joel keeps talkin bout them... Daryl's in SMU ... don't know what's he studying.... don't know if he ever is.... they're both always talkin bout Guild Wars and theories or playin bridge... never talkin bout how gruelin sch work is...

Think they make a formidable team at Murderer and Bridge... not sure bout guildwars though... heard from another friend that that game's a lousy World of Warcraft wannabe... just that it's free...